Supported with a moderate amount of tax-payer money from the city of Los Angeles, each Neighborhood Council has approximately $32,000 to spend at their discretion each year. Typical areas of expenditure include outreach and administrative support for Voices NC, youth and school support, neighborhood improvement projects, community-based events and activities, emergency preparedness and park and landscape beautification.
Application for Neighborhood Purpose Grant
It can take 2-3 months or more to approve and process a NPG funding request before payment is sent. The Voices NC board can only discuss and vote on items on the agenda. Please email completed Neighborhood Purpose Grant requests to [email protected] and [email protected]. In some cases the NPG request may be sent to a committee before going to the full board to vote.
Neighborhood Council Funding System Dashboard
For any questions regarding this process please reach out to [email protected]
2018-2019 Awarded Neighborhood Purpose Grants
2019-2020 Awarded Neighborhood Purpose Grants
2020-2021 Awarded Neighborhood Purpose Grants
2021-2022 Awarded Neighborhood Purpose Grants
2022-2023 Awarded Neighborhood Purpose Grants
The Voices Neighborhood Council is made up of individuals from our community who
are interested in improving and maintaining the quality of life of the stakeholders of Voices.
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